Bite-sized guidance to help you properly plan for your retirement and financial future.

The Voice of Greed

January 18, 2024

What does the voice of greed sound like? We hear a lot in the financial space, some of it sound advice, and some of it just plain greedy (and even risky). There’s a time and a place for risk, but it comes down to planning. Not all of your money should have the same risk profile. Working with a financial advisor can help you determine how much risk is good vs. having safety.

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The Financial Guessing Game

January 11, 2024

Sometimes we fall into playing the guessing game when it comes to our finances. For instance, how much do you really need in retirement? Instead of grabbing at arbitrary numbers, first think about how much you spend. Some of your expenses may change in retirement compared to your working years, but plan for your needs based on your expenses and your goals.

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Mailbag: Should I Pay off my Daughter’s College Loan?

January 4, 2024

When you retire, you have to be strategic about what you do with your money. On today’s show, Eric answers three questions from the mailbag about how to make the best financial decision possible with your money once you’re retired.

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Inheritance FAQ

December 28, 2023

We’ve found that some common questions come up around inheritance, so today we are going to tackle a few! Whether you have recently inherited or want to set up your estate in a way that makes it easier on your beneficiaries, there’s something for you to learn in today’s show.

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Financial Lessons from Christmas Songs

December 21, 2023

There are so many different ways to approach the subject of financial planning. In light of the holidays, we wanted to have a little fun and compare some Christmas classic songs with financial lessons.

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Questions that Are Hard to Answer

December 14, 2023

When you sit down to talk about your finances, sometimes you run into a question that stumps you. Even if you can’t fully answer the questions, it’s still important to consider these when financial planning.

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Things Your Financial Advisor Might Not Be Doing

December 7, 2023

Sometimes people get advice from financial “professionals” who maybe aren’t the right fit for their needs. Today, we discuss some of the things your advisor might not be talking to you about.

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Tax Consequences

November 30, 2023

Taxes are a major part of your life, especially your life in retirement. Having a good understanding of how you can prepare may save you in the long-run. Discussing your options with a financial advisor can help point you in the right direction. Listen in as we chat about tax consequences in today’s episode.

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Cutting Corners Financially

November 21, 2023

Sometimes we want to take the easy way out instead of the smarter way. Today, we talk about ways people have tried to cut corners financially and where that falls apart. Think you can take extra risk to make up for lost time? Letting your financial life fall to disarray?

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risk aversion

Risk Aversion

November 16, 2023

No one loves losing money. So how do you strike the right balance of investing vs. being overly risk averse? Eric talks through how he guides clients through this dilemma. You might be surprised to find out your investment accounts are riskier than you realized!

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Tax planning in retirement

Tax Planning in Retirement

November 9, 2023

Next to income, tax planning is the most important thing Eric focuses on with his clients. If you can control how much tax you pay, it’s more money you get to keep, spend, and enjoy. Retirement is a prime time to focus on tax planning as you have more opportunity to control the taxes you owe. 

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Overconfidence in Your Financial Life

November 2, 2023

When can overconfidence cause catastrophe? If you are setting your financial goals based on a rule of thumb or a certain arbitrary dollar amount, you might want to reconsider. Having overconfidence, especially in the wrong things, can lead to financial disaster.

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Learning From Financial Mistakes

October 26, 2023

Sometimes we learn from our mistakes, and unfortunately, sometimes we make the same mistake over and over. Having a financial advisor can help you navigate through your financial decisions so you don’t get stuck in the same rut of financial mistakes on repeat. In today’s episode, Eric will share some of the mistakes that he sees people make frequently. 

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The Hierarchy Of Retirement Needs

October 19, 2023

You may be familiar with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs which breaks down a human’s needs into five different tiers. In today’s episode, we apply those tiers to what you need when retirement planning. Have you planned and saved in a way that will cover all of these needs?

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Finances with Forrest Gump

October 12, 2023

The classic movie, Forrest Gump, is full of great quotes. We see how some of those quotes can be applied to your finances. From figuring out what to do when life isn’t going just like you thought to learning from past mistakes, there are a lot of takeaways from Forrest.

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Financial Matters People Put Off

October 5, 2023

Humans can be really good at procrastination. When we have the basics covered, it’s easy to put off the decisions and actions that we don’t want to deal with just yet. Today, we talk about some of the financial matters people are prone to put off and what you would be better off tackling right away. You might be surprised to find it wasn’t so hard to handle after all!

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What to Know About Retiring Today

September 28, 2023

When you work with a financial advisor, you aren’t just talking about money. Saving for your retirement also includes thinking about what kind of retirement lifestyle you want to have and what you need to keep in mind for the long-run. Do you want to work, by choice? What kinds of expenses will you have and how are they different in retirement? Is your money going to last for 30 years of retirement? Eric has seen his clients through all of these decisions and shares what to keep in mind about retirement.

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Common Pre-Retiree Tax Mistakes

September 21, 2023

Let’s talk about the different tax mistakes retirees are prone to make. Between changing rules and a lot of financial documents to manage, you’ll want to avoid these tax mistakes. Eric talks us through where people get tripped up and why. What you pay in taxes can make a significant impact on your nest egg, so be sure to work with a financial profes-sional who can help you navigate them in retirement.

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What Is Your Financial Personality?

September 14, 2023

What kind of personality do you have when it comes to money? Before you put together a financial plan, it’s important to understand the way you think and approach money. We talk through a few different personalities Eric commonly sees and how he advises them. Whether you are spending whenever you get a good excuse to or more of an intentional spender, it’s good to be cognizant of how you handle it and what possible downfalls you may face.

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Investing Strategies by Profession

September 7, 2023

From teachers to engineers, there are a variety of people who work with Eric and his team to build a solid financial plan. Those in similar professions tend to have similar mindsets when it comes to finances. We discuss what similarities Eric sees across different industries and how he approaches each of them. Do any of these relate to you and your financial mindset? Find out what strategies a financial advisor might suggest pursuing.  

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All shows are paid advertisements by Peterson Financial Group, Inc Investment advisory services are offered through Peterson Financial Group, Inc., a Registered Investment Adviser. Information presented on this program is believed to be factual and up-to-date, but we do not guarantee its accuracy and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. Discussions and answers to questions do not involve the rendering of personalized investment advice but are limited to the dissemination of general information and may not be suitable for members of the listening audience. A professional adviser should be consulted before implementing any of the strategies presented.

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