Financial Decisions Shaped by Key Memories

Have you ever wondered how major historical events influence our financial behaviors? Or wondered what the root is of some of your or your family members’ financial decisions? In today’s podcast, we dive into the profound impact of these “black swan” events on our investment and saving habits. From the Great Depression to the 2008 housing crisis, these events have left lasting impressions on generations of investors.

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The Voice of Greed

What does the voice of greed sound like? We hear a lot in the financial space, some of it sound advice, and some of it just plain greedy (and even risky). There’s a time and a place for risk, but it comes down to planning. Not all of your money should have the same risk profile. Working with a financial advisor can help you determine how much risk is good vs. having safety.

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Overconfidence in Your Financial Life

When can overconfidence cause catastrophe? If you are setting your financial goals based on a rule of thumb or a certain arbitrary dollar amount, you might want to reconsider. Having overconfidence, especially in the wrong things, can lead to financial disaster.

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Financial Mistruths

Every once in a while, financial concepts or strategies get misunderstood or misconstrued. It’s important to understand what you have and why you have it. On today’s show, we break down some financial ideals to find the “mistruths” or lies that can mistakenly be adopted.

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Financial Main Characters and Secondary Characters

When you watch TV shows or movie, it doesn’t take long until you realize who is the main character or who is more of a secondary character. When it comes to your financial life, which strategies, products, or tools are main characters in your financial plan and which ones are secondary?

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Separating Your Money

Do you have all of your money in one place? Sometimes your money should be kept in separate funds and separate places so that it can be used for the appropriate purposes. You want to be able to access the money you have when you need it, both now and in the future.

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Social Distancing For Your Finances

In order to keep safe, we’re all practicing social distancing right now. With your finances, are there some areas that need a little bit of space between them for safety and protection? Let’s run through four examples of social distancing in your financial plan.

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Handling What You Can’t Control in Retirement

Some things are just out of your hands. In retirement planning there are a lot of things completely out of your control, but if you re-frame your thinking, there is actually something you can do about them. Eric talks through these four areas where you have an opportunity to prepare for the unpredictable.

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Lazy Money

Do you have money sitting around without a purpose? We’ll explain the dangers of lazy money, why people have it, and how you can put it to work! Make your money work for you as you plan for retirement.

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