The Importance of Preventative Care

Preventative care isn’t just for your health; it’s essential for your financial well-being too. By consulting a financial advisor early and often, you can avoid financial distress and make informed decisions that lead to a secure and fulfilling retirement. Many people will put it off for fear they will be told something they don’t want to hear or because of the perceived costs of financial advisors.

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Retirement Income

When planning for retirement, one of the most critical aspects to consider is your income. But what does this mean, and how can you ensure you have enough income to cover your needs and desires?

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Retirement Planning Statistics

Retirement is closer than you think, but are you ready? With a staggering number of people lacking confidence in their retirement savings, Eric shares the misconceptions people have and what mistakes can derail someone’s financial future. Many people feel inadequate when it comes to what they have saved in their nest egg, uninformed about the pitfalls of target date funds, and unprepared about the reality of leaving the workforce earlier than expected.

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Understanding Financial Risk

What kind of risks do you take in your financial life? As you get less comfortable with things like climbing up ladders and riding on skateboards, you might also become less financially risky. When you enter retirement, how you view your money in the market changes significantly from your working years. It’s important to look at your portfolio to ensure your investments match your risk tolerance.

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Mailbag: When Should I Retire?

When is the perfect time to retire? One question from the mailbag asks whether retiring now or in two years will make a big difference. Eric explains what you’ll need to consider and what differences you might encounter from a work and lifestyle standpoint. Then, he answers Nancy’s question on how important it is to have a financial advisor in retirement.

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Mailbag: What Should I Do With My Inheritance?

Every day you have to make choices about your money. What to spend it on, when to save, and how to manage it well. We tackle three questions from the mailbag today from people facing a financial decision. From learning how to take care of the household finances after one spouse passes to deciding about helping a child pay for college, Eric can help point clients in the right direction.

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Overconfidence in Your Financial Life

When can overconfidence cause catastrophe? If you are setting your financial goals based on a rule of thumb or a certain arbitrary dollar amount, you might want to reconsider. Having overconfidence, especially in the wrong things, can lead to financial disaster.

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Financial Matters People Put Off

Humans can be really good at procrastination. When we have the basics covered, it’s easy to put off the decisions and actions that we don’t want to deal with just yet. Today, we talk about some of the financial matters people are prone to put off and what you would be better off tackling right away. You might be surprised to find it wasn’t so hard to handle after all!

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What to Know About Retiring Today

When you work with a financial advisor, you aren’t just talking about money. Saving for your retirement also includes thinking about what kind of retirement lifestyle you want to have and what you need to keep in mind for the long-run. Do you want to work, by choice? What kinds of expenses will you have and how are they different in retirement? Is your money going to last for 30 years of retirement? Eric has seen his clients through all of these decisions and shares what to keep in mind about retirement.

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Investing Strategies by Profession

From teachers to engineers, there are a variety of people who work with Eric and his team to build a solid financial plan. Those in similar professions tend to have similar mindsets when it comes to finances. We discuss what similarities Eric sees across different industries and how he approaches each of them. Do any of these relate to you and your financial mindset? Find out what strategies a financial advisor might suggest pursuing.  

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Financial Wisdom from Ron Swanson

Today, we take some quotes from the gruff but beloved Parks and Recreation character, Ron Swanson. He’s got a lot of dry sarcasm that can be hilarious, and surprisingly, can teach us a thing or two about financial planning.

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Reasons People Don’t Visit a Financial Advisor

Why wouldn’t someone want to work with a financial advisor? In today’s episode, we’ll discuss some common reasons why someone might hesitate to work with one. To some, having an advisor sounds like added cost or something only for the rich. Instead, the value you receive from an advisor and having a customized financial plan could make all the difference in your financial life.

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Advisor Pet Peeves

We all have pet peeves, so in today’s episode we talk about some pet peeves financial advisors have. Eric shares his experience as a financial advisor and sheds light on some things in the industry that can negatively impact both clients and professionals. From cookie-cutter financial plans to hidden fees, these things can really rub you the wrong way.

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Mailbag: Where Should I Invest after Maxing Out 401(k)?

When saving for retirement, a lot of people look to their 401(k). But what happens after you’ve maxed out your contribution based on the yearly limit? Eric explains what options you have to invest toward your retirement beyond a 401(k). This will include money in the different buckets as well as other products to consider.

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Stories People Tell Themselves

When it comes to where you’ve ended up financially, you may have a running narrative on how that happened. There are a number of common stories people tell themselves to make sense of their situation. On today’s show we discuss some of these stories and how we can both understand them and improve upon them.

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Good Intentions and Financial Advice

How can you use your money wisely? Eric answers three questions that range from short-term travel plans to long-term estate planning decisions. While it’s good to be a good steward with your money, remember what it’s really there for.

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Desire to Retire

Are you dreaming of retirement? We talk through the different levels of desire people have in regards to retirement. Some can’t wait to cross the finish line and others have no plans soon to walk away from their jobs and careers. Depending on where your desire lies, here’s what you can be doing to prepare for the future.

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