Peterson Financial Group
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Watch Eric on Hello Iowa

Radio Show: Retirement ready with Eric Peterson

Listen to Eric's Podcast

On Your Bookshelf

Listen to Eric on Need To Know with Jeff Angelo

Watch Eric on Money Cents

All shows are paid advertisements by Peterson Financial Group, Inc Investment advisory services are offered through Peterson Financial Group, Inc., a Registered Investment Adviser. Information presented on this program is believed to be factual and up-to-date, but we do not guarantee its accuracy and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. Discussions and answers to questions do not involve the rendering of personalized investment advice but are limited to the dissemination of general information and may not be suitable for members of the listening audience. A professional adviser should be consulted before implementing any of the strategies presented.
Watch Eric on Hello Iowa
Get the latest tips on taxes, Social Security and more on the “Hello Iowa!” TV show on WHO 13.

Listen to Our Radio Show
Tune in to “Retirement Ready with Eric Peterson,” Sundays at Noon on Newsradio 1040 WHO.
On Your Bookshelf
Get your free copy of Eric’s book, “Preparing for the Back Nine of Life: A Straightforward Guide to Getting Retirement Ready.”
You’ll uncover several core principles of retirement planning, including:
- Lifestyle changes in retirement
- Income and investment planning
- Tax reduction
- Retirement challenges in today’s economy

Listen to Eric on Need To Know with Jeff Angelo
Tune in to hear Eric on “Need to Know with Jeff Angelo” every few weeks on NEWSRADIO 1040 WHO

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