Understanding Bonds in Today’s Market

Are bonds really the safe investment we’ve always been told they are? What percentage of assets should a retiree or pre-retiree hold in bonds? In today’s episode, Eric addresses some of his most frequently asked questions about the world of bonds…

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Understanding Financial Risk

What kind of risks do you take in your financial life? As you get less comfortable with things like climbing up ladders and riding on skateboards, you might also become less financially risky. When you enter retirement, how you view your money in the market changes significantly from your working years. It’s important to look at your portfolio to ensure your investments match your risk tolerance.

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Mailbag: When Should I Retire?

When is the perfect time to retire? One question from the mailbag asks whether retiring now or in two years will make a big difference. Eric explains what you’ll need to consider and what differences you might encounter from a work and lifestyle standpoint. Then, he answers Nancy’s question on how important it is to have a financial advisor in retirement.

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The Financial Guessing Game

Sometimes we fall into playing the guessing game when it comes to our finances. For instance, how much do you really need in retirement? Instead of grabbing at arbitrary numbers, first think about how much you spend. Some of your expenses may change in retirement compared to your working years, but plan for your needs based on your expenses and your goals.

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Risk Aversion

risk aversion

No one loves losing money. So how do you strike the right balance of investing vs. being overly risk averse? Eric talks through how he guides clients through this dilemma. You might be surprised to find out your investment accounts are riskier than you realized!

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What to Know About Retiring Today

When you work with a financial advisor, you aren’t just talking about money. Saving for your retirement also includes thinking about what kind of retirement lifestyle you want to have and what you need to keep in mind for the long-run. Do you want to work, by choice? What kinds of expenses will you have and how are they different in retirement? Is your money going to last for 30 years of retirement? Eric has seen his clients through all of these decisions and shares what to keep in mind about retirement.

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Common Pre-Retiree Tax Mistakes

Let’s talk about the different tax mistakes retirees are prone to make. Between changing rules and a lot of financial documents to manage, you’ll want to avoid these tax mistakes. Eric talks us through where people get tripped up and why. What you pay in taxes can make a significant impact on your nest egg, so be sure to work with a financial profes-sional who can help you navigate them in retirement.

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Investing Strategies by Profession

From teachers to engineers, there are a variety of people who work with Eric and his team to build a solid financial plan. Those in similar professions tend to have similar mindsets when it comes to finances. We discuss what similarities Eric sees across different industries and how he approaches each of them. Do any of these relate to you and your financial mindset? Find out what strategies a financial advisor might suggest pursuing.  

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Financial Wisdom from Ron Swanson

Today, we take some quotes from the gruff but beloved Parks and Recreation character, Ron Swanson. He’s got a lot of dry sarcasm that can be hilarious, and surprisingly, can teach us a thing or two about financial planning.

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What Is Non-Correlated Income?

The term might sound fancy, but non-correlated income doesn’t have to be confusing. Ask, which one of these is not like the other? In retirement planning, you want to have some income that is not dependent on something else, such as the stock market.

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Mailbag: Should I Help My Parents with Long-Term Care Costs?

For those in the sandwich generation, you may be wondering how much to help aging parents who weren’t prepared for long-term care costs or your children trying to pay for college. Is it wise to step up financially to help them or are you better off focusing on your own retirement savings? This dilemma is a common one and something a financial advisor can help you to navigate realistically. When you come through a planning process, you might discover an opportunity to help your parents or other family members without hurting your financial future. 

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Financial Lessons from Yogi Berra

What kind of financial wisdom can we take from a baseball player’s quotes? Quite a bit! Today’s quotes from Yogi Berra have a bit of humor and a lot of truth when it comes to your financial plan. From navigating annuities to planning for inflation, Eric shares how these quotes can bring a lot of meaning and understanding to our finances.

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Ways to Ruin Retirement

Building a successful retirement requires careful planning and wise decision-making. Unfortunately, it’s all too easy to undo all of that hard work by falling prey to common pitfalls. Rather than risking the enjoyment and security of your golden years, we’ll discuss some ways to avoid these mistakes and secure your financial future in this episode. 

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Financial Mistruths

Every once in a while, financial concepts or strategies get misunderstood or misconstrued. It’s important to understand what you have and why you have it. On today’s show, we break down some financial ideals to find the “mistruths” or lies that can mistakenly be adopted.

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