Understanding Financial Risk

What kind of risks do you take in your financial life? As you get less comfortable with things like climbing up ladders and riding on skateboards, you might also become less financially risky. When you enter retirement, how you view your money in the market changes significantly from your working years. It’s important to look at your portfolio to ensure your investments match your risk tolerance.

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Risk Aversion

risk aversion

No one loves losing money. So how do you strike the right balance of investing vs. being overly risk averse? Eric talks through how he guides clients through this dilemma. You might be surprised to find out your investment accounts are riskier than you realized!

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3 Qualities of Money

All money has one (or two) of these three qualities: safety, liquidity, and growth. Eric shares which types of accounts carry these qualities for your money and why you should have a mix of each quality. What are the benefits and risks associated with each one?

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The Different Types of Financial Risk

Life always has risk, and there are several types of financial risk. Do you know how much risk you have in your portfolio? Understanding the different types of risk may help you understand what kind of risk you are exposed to.

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Grading Your Financial Competency

Financial competency is something that is not taught nearly enough. As an advisor, Eric focuses on teaching not only strategic investing decisions but also the basic foundations of money. It starts by knowing how much you have. Then, ask yourself, how much do you really spend? It’s easy to spend more than you realize, so getting that in check can make a huge difference.

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Investing and Coffee

In the fall, a lot of people are ready to cozy up with a coffee or latte in their favorite mug. For fun, we talk about the different types of coffee drinks and what kind of investor that might make them. Do you take your coffee the same style you do your investing? Which one are you?

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Baseball and Retirement Planning

America’s pastime has been enjoyed by people of all ages for many, many years, but how much have you thought about baseball from a retirement planning perspective? Today we’ll explore the parallels between being successful in sport and finances.

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