Bite-sized guidance to help you properly plan for your retirement and financial future.

Moving On From Financial Mistakes

August 26, 2021

Instead of getting stuck in a rut after a financial mistake, it’s important to move forward in the right direction. So, what can you do to recover? Find out on today’s show.

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Common Complaints About Financial Advisors

August 19, 2021

Are you feeling frustrated when it comes to your financial planning? If so, these three common financial complaints might make you feel like you aren’t alone, but also give you hope for a better scenario.

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Navigating Retirement Disagreements Between Spouses

August 12, 2021

What do couples tend to argue about when it comes to their money in retirement? Eric talks through what you need to do to get on the same page.

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5 Most Common Retirement Planning Mistakes

August 5, 2021

Do you have a strategy in place to avoid these retirement planning mistakes? Eric talks through what to do instead to make sure your plan is a success.

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The Retirement Countdown

July 29, 2021

In those final years before retirement, what should you be considering and doing now? We tackle a list of things you should do in the years before retirement.

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Mailbag: Do I Need Long-Term Care Insurance If I Expect an Inheritance?

July 22, 2021

Looking for a way around paying for long-term care insurance? Will an inheritance cover it? Eric answers this question and two others from the mailbag.

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401(k) Mistakes You Don’t Want To Make

July 15, 2021

Many of us have a 401(k), but what mistakes can get overlooked? Eric shares a few key points to keep in mind when it comes to your 401(k).

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Financial Blind Spots

July 8, 2021

What kind of blind spots should you look out for when it comes to your financial plan? We talk about four key areas that often get overlooked when retirement planning.

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SECURE Act 2.0 – What to Know

July 1, 2021

Do you know about the changes proposed in the SECURE Act 2.0? Eric shares a few of the highlights as well as his thoughts on the changes.

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Why People Put Off Meeting with a Financial Advisor

June 24, 2021

Are you avoiding meeting with an advisor? Let’s talk through some of those fears or doubts and help you overcome the hurdles to getting your financial plan in order.

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Emotions That Drive Financial Decisions

June 17, 2021

Are you letting emotions sway your investing decisions? We talk about what emotions should you look out for and how can you invest based on logic.

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Mailbag: What Should I Do With My IRA?

June 10, 2021

When should you use your IRA and how can it be best utilized? These three questions from the mailbag all mention their IRA as an option, but what does Eric have to say about all of these situations? Find out!

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Avoiding the Tax Time Bomb

June 3, 2021

Are you nervous about all the taxes you might have to pay in retirement? We talk through strategies you can implement now to reduce your taxes down the road.

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The ‘What If?’ Game

May 27, 2021

Are you looking at the future and wondering, “What if…?” We talk through several scenarios to see what may or may not be possible and how you can prepare accordingly. 

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Navigating the New Administration’s Tax Plan

May 20, 2021

What kind of tax plans have been proposed lately? These plans may cause you to strategize differently when it comes to your financial plan.

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Retirement Readiness Pop Quiz

May 13, 2021

Know all you need for retirement? Take this little quiz to see where you stand when it comes to retirement readiness.

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Baseball and Retirement Planning

May 6, 2021

America’s pastime has been enjoyed by people of all ages for many, many years, but how much have you thought about baseball from a retirement planning perspective? Today we’ll explore the parallels between being successful in sport and finances.

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Unpopular Opinions In The Financial World

April 29, 2021

Which of these financial opinions are really worth paying attention to? Eric shares ways to reframe and better understand these financial opinions and how they work in your financial plan.

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Retirement Planning Rules of Thumb

April 22, 2021

You may have heard of at least one if not all of these financial rules, but should you follow them? What do they really mean? On today’s episode of the podcast, we talk through four common rules of thumb when it comes to financial planning and what Eric advises about them.

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Financial Abbreviations, Explained

April 15, 2021

While financial planning has a lot of numbers involved, here are a few letters and abbreviations you should know, too. Eric explains several common financial abbreviations.

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All shows are paid advertisements by Peterson Financial Group, Inc Investment advisory services are offered through Peterson Financial Group, Inc., a Registered Investment Adviser. Information presented on this program is believed to be factual and up-to-date, but we do not guarantee its accuracy and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. Discussions and answers to questions do not involve the rendering of personalized investment advice but are limited to the dissemination of general information and may not be suitable for members of the listening audience. A professional adviser should be consulted before implementing any of the strategies presented.

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