Retirement Lifestyles

Retirement planning is so much more than simply having enough money socked away. Social activity, hobbies, skills, physical activity, and routines are all big components of your life now and likewise, should be in your retirement.

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How Often Do These Financial Situations Happen?

Day-to-day, Eric works with a lot of people as he helps them navigate a variety of financial decisions. But what might seem rare to you could be a more common occurrence to wit-ness in his office. How often does Eric come across scenarios like these? You might be surprised by some of the answers!

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Mailbag: Should I Get a Prenup?

What are the financial implications of getting married later in life? There are a lot of variables that go into this financially speaking. Have you talked through what happens when one of you passes away? Do you or your fiancé have children? Eric and Marc go over what this may look like and also answer two other questions from the mailbag.

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