Baseball and Retirement Planning

America’s pastime has been enjoyed by people of all ages for many, many years, but how much have you thought about baseball from a retirement planning perspective? Today we’ll explore the parallels between being successful in sport and finances.

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Things Your Advisor Should Be Doing

What kind of decisions are you making alongside your financial advisor? How do you know if they are doing everything you need when it comes to creating and implementing a retirement plan? Eric talks through what you deserve from a financial advisor and how his team works with clients to meet their needs.

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What You Should Know About Leaving an Inheritance

Estate planning is just one piece of a comprehensive retirement plan but it’s an important one because you only get one opportunity to get it right. The problem is many individuals have very little experience with inheritances and often make mistakes when handing them down or receiving them. Let’s try to change that today by informing you about inheritances and the steps you need to take.

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Planning Your Road Trip Towards Retirement

Think back to your last road trip–what did you do to prepare? Chances are you didn’t suddenly jump in the car and then a few hours (or days) later simply arrive. Yet this is what some people think retirement looks like. Instead, you’ve got to plan ahead and know where you’re going and how you’ll get there.

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Can Financial Planning Be A DIY Job?

Wondering whether or not you really need a financial advisor or if you could just figure it out on your own? Why do people choose to approach financial planning like a DIY project, and why do some of those DIYers later change their mind?

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Delayed Gratification In Retirement Planning

Sometimes, it’s hard to make financial sacrifices when the reward seems so far away. However, delayed gratification can be extremely beneficial when it comes to your finances. Eric talks about four situations when people may be tempted to choose instant gratification over a better long-term pay out.

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Financial “Jerseys” and What They Say About Your Plan

On game day, it’s fun to wear your jersey and show some team spirit. What you might not realize are the three ways your financial planning process is similar to a jersey. Consider the names, numbers, and symbols on a jersey. How might they be similar to the names, numbers, and symbols on your financial statements?

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