Answering Common 401K FAQs

The 401k is the most common way that people save for retirement, which is why we get a lot of questions on the show and in the office about this employer-sponsored plan.

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Finding Financial Silver Linings

Throughout our lives, there will be times when the markets rise and times when we experience downturns. Largely, we don’t have control over the circumstances we’re dealt, but we do have control over how we respond to those situations.

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The Diverse Definitions Of Diversification

Diversification is one of those buzzwords you hear often in financial planning. While many people know it’s important, few are clear on what it actually means when applied to various aspects of their financial strategy. In today’s episode, Eric and Marc will bring you the diverse definitions of diversification.

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The Use Of Technology In Financial Planning

As technology keeps advancing, it’s made our lives easier in so many ways. Tasks that used to need outside help can now be done on our own with just a few clicks. This shift has also brought more accessible online financial tools, but how accurate and helpful are they really?

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Mailbag: Moving To A State With Income Tax And More

In this episode, Eric is answering your questions! We’ll cover a range of topics today, including key considerations for income taxes when moving to a new state, how to initiate financial conversations with parents or grandparents, and whether using a life insurance policy to save for a college fund is a wise choice.

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What Is Lazy Money?

What is lazy money and why do you want to not have too much of it in your retirement portfolio? Simply put, lazy money is money that isn’t growing as much as it could be. Having your money grow and work for you is a key part of building a solid portfolio, so Eric breaks down some strategies to help get the most out of your money in this episode.

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Retirement Planning Today Is Harder Than It Used To Be

Retirement planning simply isn’t the same as it used to be. From changes in life expectancy, the lack of pensions, and getting caught in the sandwich generation, there’s a lot to keep in mind when putting together your financial plan. Instead of taking advice from others who may have retired in a different era, it’s important to understand what strategy is right for you.  

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