Bite-sized guidance to help you properly plan for your retirement and financial future.

Should You Adhere To Conventional Financial Wisdom?

October 10, 2019

What common financial advice have you heard that is actually worth following? Do these concepts provide a better financial future for you and your family? Or are these ideas more damaging in the long-run?

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How To Create A Retirement Plan Without Compromises, Part 2

October 3, 2019

We all want a certain sense of safety and security, but we also need the growth and potential that comes with risk. So how do you weigh out the two and create a plan without compromise? What tools can be used to achieve the right combination of both safety and growth?

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How To Create A Retirement Plan Without Compromises, Part 1

September 26, 2019

When making any decisions, you may get to a point when you have to make some compromises. How about when it comes to your retirement plans, are you making too many compromises?

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How To Handle Financial Pain Points in Retirement

September 19, 2019

When planning for retirement, there are a number of pain points that can come up to cause stress and fear for the future. What are some ways you can address these pain points now?

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Can Financial Planning Be A DIY Job?

September 12, 2019

Wondering whether or not you really need a financial advisor or if you could just figure it out on your own? Why do people choose to approach financial planning like a DIY project, and why do some of those DIYers later change their mind?

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What’s In Your Financial Junk Drawer?

September 5, 2019

We all have that drawer in the house with random odds and ends–some of it valuable and some of it you have no idea what to do with. What about in your financial files or folders? Do you know what’s what and what needs to go?

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What You Should Ask (But Probably Forgot) When Planning For Retirement With Your Spouse

August 29, 2019

Did you take the trash out? Oh, and what is our income plan after one of us dies? One of these is a question you might ask your spouse regularly after dinner while the other one is important but often overlooked. We’ll talk about five questions you should start to ask now when it comes to planning your retirement with your spouse.

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Strategizing for Retirement (Just Like In Chess)

August 22, 2019

The fun and challenge of games such as chess is a bit similar to planning for retirement. We’ll talk about how it takes a lot of pieces and the right plays to win in the end.

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How To Ask Better Financial Questions

August 15, 2019

Asking questions is always a good thing. The more you ask, the more you understand. But sometimes you don’t get the answer you need until you ask the right question. These four common financial questions are a bit better when they are rephrased and reconsidered.

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Financial Mythbusting: Making A Financial Plan Based On Reality

August 8, 2019

Do you know the difference between a financial myth and financial reality? When you make a plan for your future, you want to make sure it is based on what’s true. We’ll talk through four ideas to discover whether they are myths and real.

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Should You Take House Debt Into Retirement?

August 1, 2019

What do you do when…? Eric answers three pressing questions from the mailbag in today’s podcast. Whether you are being thrust into an early retirement or are considering delaying retirement due to debt, financial advice from an advisor will set you in the right direction.

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Watch Out For These Red Flags When Working With A Financial Advisor

July 25, 2019

When you are working with an advisor, you want your relationship to be built on trust and quality expertise. But how do you know if an advisor is a bad fit? What red flags should you avoid? We’ll tell you in this episode.

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Financial Debates – Debt, Mortgages, Life Insurance & Mutual Funds

July 18, 2019

Inside of a mutual funds, the actions of others can impact you. If a lot of people are trying to sell that mutual fund, the manager has to sell some stuff to meet the redemptions and that can negatively impact you.

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Retire Early

Retiring Early: Is It Possible and Is It Right For You?

July 11, 2019

Some may think that retiring early is just a dream, but can you turn this dream into a reality? In this episode, Eric talks about the ins and outs of taking an early retirement. Find out when you can retire and whether you will actually want to stay retired.

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Tending To Your Retirement Garden

July 3, 2019

What does retirement planning have in common with growing a garden? Both need patience, vision, determination, and the proper tools to succeed. Eric Peterson explores all the comparisons on this week’s podcast.

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Retirement Decisions: More Than Just Investments

June 27, 2019

When it comes to planning for your retirement, there’s a lot more to consider than where to invest. Going beyond the data and numbers, you need to consider these areas of your life and what you want them to look like in retirement.

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Presidential Quotes And The Financial World

June 20, 2019

There are a lot of great quotes from past presidents that also apply in the financial industry. Have you heard all of these? How would you apply them to your financial portfolio?

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Mailbag: Retention Bonus or Retirement?

June 13, 2019

As you near the final months or years before taking the plunge into retirement, there are always a few details to work out and questions to ask. Eric answers a few questions from the mailbag about pensions, paying taxes in retirement, and deciding when to walk away from a retention bonus and just retire already.

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Handling What You Can’t Control in Retirement

June 6, 2019

Some things are just out of your hands. In retirement planning there are a lot of things completely out of your control, but if you re-frame your thinking, there is actually something you can do about them. Eric talks through these four areas where you have an opportunity to prepare for the unpredictable.

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Wishful Thinking In Retirement Planning

May 30, 2019

Is your head in the clouds when it comes to retirement? Here are three common phrases people say when it comes to retirement planning. Eric shares whether these mentalities are wishful thinking. 

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All shows are paid advertisements by Peterson Financial Group, Inc Investment advisory services are offered through Peterson Financial Group, Inc., a Registered Investment Adviser. Information presented on this program is believed to be factual and up-to-date, but we do not guarantee its accuracy and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. Discussions and answers to questions do not involve the rendering of personalized investment advice but are limited to the dissemination of general information and may not be suitable for members of the listening audience. A professional adviser should be consulted before implementing any of the strategies presented.

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